
For Doodle Bug

It hasnÆt been very long
since we said “good-bye”.
Every time I think of you
I want to break down and cry.

You were my son my friend
My “tear licker”
and my everlasting joy
that I thought would have no end.

We had so many good times
no need to think of the bad
I canÆt even remember
you ever making me mad.

I believe God sent you to me
especially as we had
such a close bond;
You were my fearless protector
always going above and beyond.

I will miss you forever
on this you can depend
Because you were
my special “doodle bug” and
I will love you until eternityÆs end.

Until we meet again at heavenÆs gate
Keep watch over me and
all others who loved you
because we will be late.

One last thing I have to say
I wish you were here for me
to hold and would never go away.
But all good things must come
to an end
And I am forever grateful
that you were put on earth
to be my very best friend.

All my love will be with you
as well as most of my heart
But come the day I should
make it to heaven
we will never ever part.

Love Forever

November 2001


6, Nov 2001