Lady by Dianne / Your Dianne

It was February 1996 in Edmonton Alberta Canada and -23. A couple friends and I were going icefishing on Lake Wabamun, and we were searching for an old dryer drum in a junk pile of unwanted garbage in a field so we could build a fire on the ice to keep warm. We found the dryer drum, but someone or something had a bed in there. In the distance, a frightened, starving dog wary to approach was watching. My friends and I, horrified that this stray was out in this weather (That’s -23 Celcius) We tried like mad to convince this pup to come closer. WE tried cheese,steak, everything. Finally she came, crawling, terrified of people, timid, frostbitten ears, pads, starving. I picked her up in my arms and we drove home, and I held her in the back seat the entire hour and a half ride. I intended on bringing her to the SPCA the next day as a stray.

Two weeks later, I had named her Lady. Her manners were impeccable, she was scared at first, of doorways, loud noises, men, brooms, but knew sit and walked well on a leash. I brought her with me to my work. Everybody thought she was a Shepherd puppy. She was about 7 months old and never got any bigger.

Four years later, she loved her favorite toy – plastic purple grapes, and knew the word and would find them no matter where I hid them. I have no children so my mom and dad called her their little granchild and my photo with Lady went on the family “wall” with the rest of my siblings and their families. When I was not in my truck she would sit in the drivers seat and take my place as driver, and it was so funny, it really looked like she was driving!

She was my constant companion. I was hospitalized for 6 weeks in 2002 and when I returned I never seen a happier dog. She ran around in large circle in the yard around me and threw up divots of grass, around and around!! I affectionately called her Ladydog!

Her ears were so soft. I loved to twirl them around in my fingers and she would stick out her tongue when I did this over and over again. She slept under my bed. She loved to chase gophers and perked up from a dead sleep if she heard one squeak!

She was hit by a speeding car last march and died instantly. I did not see it happen, but I was right there. It happened in a heartbeat. She was gone. I ran over thinking she was just stunned, but the awful truth became apparent when I drew near. I kept saying on my knees in the middle of the road over and over “it was my fault” and I bawled like I never bawled in my life. The next day I had her cremated and she sits on my mantle in a little urn with her grapes on top. I know that I could not have prevented the accident, but I sure do miss her. Like I have read in others’ stories, it feels like my right arm was cut off.

I am actively looking for another dog now. I will always remember that Lady was my special one, the one that was given to me, she was the answer to my prayer. She was so good to me and I was blessed to have this perfect little Lady in my life.


Missing you Ladydoggie,