Feb. 14 1985 ------ Oct. 11 1998
My Best Friend
When she was just a few weeks old,
She ran and jumped in the grass she rolled;
On our first walk in the park,
she scared herself when she let out a bark.
Her toys consisted of bones balls and socks,
she even liked newspapers rags and a box.
When she was older around two or three,
her loyalty and love really surprised me;
From room to room everywhere I went,
shed follow me closely and not lose my scent;
Wed run and play and hike at the lake,
afterward shed lay by my feet and take a break.
At night when it was time for the lights to be out,
shed crawl under the bed and snore without a doubt;
When she got cold or lonely under there,
shed jump on the bed and snuggle in my hair.
Morning would come and before I could rise,
Shed be in my face and wake me to my surprise.
When things were bad and really seemed rotten,
Her trust and companionship could not be forgotten.
She was always there through the good and the bad,
I took it for granted and didnt realize what I had.
The unconditional love she gave was much more than I deserved,
I wish it was something that could be bottled and preserved.
She became a senior before I was ready,
She died in my arms and I was anything but steady.
Now that shes gone the pain is more than Ive known
I often wonder whether I can go on being alone.
Shes gone from this world but in my heart shell remain,
Lexi my dog life will never be the same.
Lexi |
Kathy |