Liberty by Doc & Sharon / Doc

We had lost one of our Irish setters to hemolytic anemia and after alot of thought were looking for another. One morning I saw an add in the news paper for a Gordon Setter female 5 years old, free
to a good home. Well I didnt call and after 2 weeks the add disappeared. About 6 weeks later the
same add showed up again, and this time I called and was told that she had been given away and that she was brought back. “No she didnt bite anyone” It seems that the people said that she was too dumb. The next day was Saturday and my son and I drove down there, saw Liberty, talked with the woman and was told that we could have her.
I asked why she was being given away and was told “We just purchased new furniture and carpeting” I sent my son to the car for the leash,
was given her vet records,papers, and a bag of the cheapest dog food possible. I bit my tongue going out the door to keep from saying what I was
thinking, dumped 25 lbs of dog food on their front lawn, and we got out of there.
Lib was treated to a large “Peggys Burger” in the
bar we sometimes stopped at when down that way,
and we came home.
Lib was 10 when she died from Chronic Renal Failure. We only had her for 5 years. She was spotless in the house, very gentle, and never met a meal she didnt love. Lib was very intelligent,
you just had to know her language. I soon learned.
Typical of Gordons she would demand attention once a day, other than that she was content in just being in the same room with me. She is buried in the orchard with 6 Irish Setters. I wont have any trouble spotting my guys when I get to the bridge, that beautiful black and orange in a sea of red


See you at the bridge Lib
Doc & Sharon