Lil Paw Rue by Sandie Leslie / Your Mama Always

Lil rabbit in my house,
Always so quiet as a mouse…
Lil rabbit who circled my chair,
Looking for the love that shows her I care…
Lil rabbit in my bed,
Looking for my arm to hold her head…
Lil rabbit oh so sweet,
Who made my life so complete…
Lil rabbit who loved me so,
And shared my life always on the go…
Lil rabbit how I loved you dear,
Hope your soul will always be near…
Lil rabbit your in my heart,
You my love, were always so smart…
Lil rabbit you made me cry,
On this day you said, goodbye…
How hard it was to let you go,
Even when I cried out & said, no – no!!
We lost your body, but not your soul,
And yet it still has taken it’s toll.
I loved you morning, noon & night,
You lifted my heart & gave me flight…
Everyone who knew you loved you so,
But now it was time to let you go…
I can’t imagine life without you,
But my Lil Paw what am I to do?
You gave me your heart, you gave me your love,
You surely are GODS gift from above…
I thank you my darling lil bun for all that you have done,
I’ll see you in heaven, so alway remember that your my number one…
This poem is written and dedicated to you,
My dearest babygirl LIL PAW RUE!!!
Lil Paw Rue August 2,1997 – November 23,2004


All My Luv,
Lil Paw Rue
23, Nov 2004
Sandie Leslie