Lilly by Fiona Zabeli / Your loving mama

My Lilly was a very small Persian; she was one in a million. She loved with feeling, and did many great things to make you happy. When I went to bed, Lilly always slept on my side of the bed and when she thought I was sleeping she would climb over and sleep on her place the bed pillow of my partner and if she didn’t get enough room she would nudge her wee bum on your head and you’d have to move. If Lilly got it into her head about playing in the middle of the night she would open all the drawers and empty everything out. Lilly was the most intelligent cat I ever had; she wasn’t just a cat she was a wee child and did things I never see cats do. She had her own wee personality and she loved my partner’s brother whom she visited daily. I am so very sad that Lilly used all her nine lives in one full swoop that she didn’t live to see her 4th birthday. Lilly sleeps inside her Pyramid by my bed with her photo by me. My baby will never be forgotten and some day I will join her and we’ll be together again. Lilly was and still is my everything. Her brothers also miss her and still in mourning. Rest In Peace My Angel.


My deepest love to you Lilly,
Fiona Zabeli