Lincoln by Kirk ,Sherrie,Debra and Danielle / Daddy, Mommy, Deb and Danielle

One fall day my daughters and I went to a local flea market. They always loved to go to this one because it’s what I call a real flea market….fleas included…lol. Anyway they have all kinds of items and almost any kind of pet you can think of. We were not looking for anymore pets as we already had three dogs and three cats. However we came upon this cage with five cute but rugged looking pups all with white and big black spots sort of a spuds look.

My youngest daughter went to pet them and all but one ran from her…so I guess you know the begging began. I first said no, but then he started licking my hand so sweetly so now it’s my turn to beg Dad….we called home and my husband said you know we don’t need anymore animals….yada yada…so I told him it was free and might not make it without someone to love him and
care for him!

Needless to say we had a new family member! We were trying to think of a name for him on the way home and since I was driving a Lincoln well it just stuck (funny because three other of our pets are named after Presidents as well) Well, he was like a kangaroo, could jump straight up at least 4-5 ft. Full of energy and took to my husband like glue. Everywhere daddy went so did Lincoln.

After a little over a year we made an appointment to have him neutered. But something went terribly wrong. The vet called me to say his heart had stopped on the O.R. table and they were doing cpr…..I broke down and my boss called my husband to come for us to get to the vets office. Even though it was close he was gone when we got there….My whole family was heartbroken, our little flea market dog was gone just like that. The vet said in his 14 years it’s only the second time that has ever happened to him. They even sent us a sympathy card a few days later which I thought was very caring.

Don’t get me wrong I am still very much for spay/neutering pets but this one was just one of those things and who knows maybe his mom or brother/sister was waiting for him at the rainbow bridge!

We will miss you and love you always Lincoln. P.S we eventually let it slip to my husband that we paid five dollars for him… well worth the love we got in return!


With all our love,
Kirk ,Sherrie,Debra and Danielle