I lost a treasured friend today
The little cat who used to lay
His gentle head upon my knee
And share his silent thoughts with me
I said goodbye to you today, little cat
Fingers gently stroking your fur
You could scarcely raise you head to me
Yet you still calmed me with your purr.
Were you comfortable cradled in my arms
And did you know your time was near
Your wide green eyes held gentle love
And quiet pain but showed no fear
You slipped away so quickly
We weren’t sure you had gone
Our bouncy little cat is stilled
But you spirit lingers on
Little cat where are you?
Are you happy, are you strong
I feel your warmth your life your love
And still hear your purring song
Goodbye Little Man
You will live on in our memories,
Little Cat |
31, Oct 2016 |
Mike |