LITTLE JOE by Bob & Brenda Parker / Mikee

He started life out the hard way, being pulled out of a trash dumpser at the tender age of 6 wks old. A humame officer asked, if I or my best friend wanted to take him home. This pup fell fast asleep on my leg with a full belly a warm car he had it made. All energy, Joe made life fun for the family, hard for Mandy. Joe would nip at Mandy’s hind legs and run like hell, making Mandy mad; thereforeth Mandy would chase after Joe, but never catching him.

Joe was fun to have around; he loved people. Don’t leave him behind! Dad and Mom would get chewed out when they came back from the beach. Joe had a hard start to life, but in the end,
he was loved beyond a doubt.

He loved to run hard and fast as his little legs would move. His life was long and healthy, up until old age caught up with him.

At 15 years old, this little guy could die happy. And on Jan. 01 2001, that’s what Joe did. That night Joe greeted everyone as they came home from work. A half-n-hour later
Joe had left never to be seen or heard again.

This little dog touched so many lives. Now he awaits for US at those gates to heaven, so the gang can be together again.



Rest in peace, JOE.
Bob & Brenda Parker