Littleman by Jack Palinsky / Dad

I am so proud to have been allowed to care for such a wonderful cat. He was perfect. A 17 pound, six-toed, all white master of the outdoors. I needed only to feed him as he required no indoor water bowl or litterbox, both were beneath him. The cat door to the outside was the path to his kingdom. He was the friendliest of creatures. Born 8/25/95; disappeared 9/16/02. The life he loved in the great outdoors cost more than anyone will ever know, but that life was him. Without his domain, he would have been miserable just as he was in bad weather when he was forced to stay inside. Four years later, I still grieve, I always will. The degree with which I miss him cannot be put into words.
He has my heart. –Jack, his dad.


He has my heart,
Jack Palinsky