Lizzie by Luann


"Lady 'Lizzie' Twigg"

March 11 1994 ----- September 19 2000

Yorkshire Terrier

To my sweet Lizzie


If I could have a lifetime wish

And dreams that could come true

I would pray to God with all my heart

For yesterday and you.


A thousand prayers can't bring you back

I know because I've tried

And neither will a million tears

I know because I've cried.


You left behind my broken heart

And happy memories too

But I never wanted memories

I only wanted you.


So take my kisses with you

To keep while we're apart

And know my precious Lizzie

You will always be in my heart.


Lizzie I found this poem and I added the last little bit

myself because it is exactly how mommy feels.

It has been 4 1/2 long weeks since you left me and

mommy misses you Lizzie.

I will always and forever love you.

Hugs and kisses until we meet again.


Love Mommy







