
Things happen for a reason
Is how the saying goes
What the reason is
Sometimes nobody knows.

You were not supposed
to be mine
But somehow it
happened that way
I cherished you
more and more
Each and every single day.

You were such a gift from G-d
You made my life compelete
You helped relieve some pain
And were always at my feet.

At my feet to give me love
Purring all the time
Sleeping on my head
I’m so glad that you were mine.

We’ve been through
so much together
Through changes
good times and bad
In my heart you
hold a special spot
And good thoughts
of times we’ve had.

You’ve moved on
to a happy place
A place where
there is no pain
I hope you’re
no longer suffering
I’m hoping to hug you again.

I love you so much
and always will.



24, Dec 2001