Lucky by Lorraine Rose / Lucky, a true angel!

I lived and worked in New york for some time and in that time I was a volunteer at an animal sanctuary called Forgotten Felines. It was there I met and fell in love with Lucky! She was brought to us after a road accident in which she was left with multiple injuries including a crushed pelvis and broken back legs.

The vet was going to put her to sleep but she looked at me and I knew she was telling me not to give up on her. I didn’t! I took her home and nursed back to health until she was almost as good as new! A few years later I decided to return to Ireland. Lucky and my other 2 cats where my family so I brought them home with me using all my savings to do so.

Lucky was a very loving, strong and wise spirit who seemed to know everything that was going on with me and always made me feel much better. I knew she would look after the other 2 cats in quarantine and she did. She was an amazing cat! When i got them home I entered Lucky into a competition called The Arthur’s, telling about her brave story and how well she recovered and thanked me everyday in life for not giving up on her! She won, and we got to fly to London to pick up her Arthur award,(just like an Oscar only cat like) It was a fantastic trip and Lucky even got to visit the Queen in London.

She gave me 19 precious years of unconditional love. Earlier this year Lucky started to get ill and was diagnosed with diabetes and heart disease. I gave her every chance again with medication and lots of love but alas on tuesday 4th May, she simply had enough and I knew her silent message was telling me to let her go. I held her in my arms and told her how precious she was and how much I loved her and I would never forget her. It was the most heartbreaking time in my life but she slipped away peacefully and was carried away with the angels.

She truly was an amazing cat who lived such a long time for someone one who was told she wouldn’t live long after her accident. I was lucky to have found her and have been truly blessed by her amazing impact on myself and my family. I will remember and love her forever! God bless you Lucky, my special friend xoxo


God bless you Lucky, my special friend!
Lorraine Rose