Lucy you were given to me for such a very short time but I loved you with all my heart. I hand fed you from birth; each day you got stronger and your character developed. You were however too, too, small and at 4 weeks only weighed 10 ounces.
You knew my voice and I was the first one you saw when you opened your eyes for the first time. You loved to lie on your back to be tickled!! But sadly at 4 and a half weeks you stopped eating, and developed a purple mark on your tummy….time to visit the vet. She said you were much too small and very ill she thought you had internal damage. With great reluctance I was advised to put you to sleep. My heart was ripped in too, but it had to be. I brought you home and buried you. I cried still am; I will miss you all my life. I ask why did god give you to me then take you away…….there are no answers, so rest in peace my beautiful little girl. We will be together one day. I will love and miss you to the day I die!!I am so pleased that I had you even for the short time. Love you always. xxxxx
Never Goodbye Lucy,
Sue Colley |