Charlie by Marcie & Gabrielle Gonzalez / Marcie, Gabrielle & Family

We adopted Charlie from the pound when she was just 3 months old. The times when she was too little to run up the stairs and know what her toots sound like without getting startled still lays in the back of our minds. Anybody can say this about their pet, but we truly believe in our hearts that our Charlie girl was the sweetest animal out there. We were always dumbfounded how loyal and obedient she was, even though she was only slightly trained by us. Despite her illness and the injury to her leg, she kept her personality and determination to protect her family. We will never forget that. We hope that you are better up there in heaven, and you can once more do what your curious mind and your happy heart can do, without any pain. We miss you so much.


With all our love (and liver snaps),
Marcie & Gabrielle Gonzalez