Magic by Tim & Sandy Snell / Mommy & Daddy

My Little Pumpkin,

Of all the dogs we had, you needed us the most. You lost your eyesight in one eye at an early age, and you became deaf. You never let it get in your way. You could still run and play with your sisters. You gave them a run for their money. You were the most loving, the kindest, and the sweetest. You always put a smile on our faces. As you became ill, you needed us more. Mommy & Daddy didn’t mind one minute of extra special attention and loving care you needed.

It was our job to see that you were as comfortable as can be in your final days. Now that you are gone, we miss you so very much. The house isn’t the same without you. We still cry everyday for you. Sugar misses you too. She is so lonely without you. The only good thing is that you are now healthy again and without any pain. We know that you are in heaven with Dusty, Minnie, and Sno-Ball.

We miss you, baby girl. You will be forever in our hearts and always on our minds. We Love You, Magic. Be well, be happy, and know one day
that Mommy & Daddy will see you again.

Take care, my little punkinator. Mommy & Daddy miss you & Love you so very much. We do believe in Magic. That’s why we found you. You brought joy and sunshine to all of us. God be with you!


With Love,
3, Feb 2005
Tim & Sandy Snell