Major by Randy, Mary and Mike / Mom, Dad, Mike and Max

We lost our beloved dog on July 10/06. We brought him to the vet thinking was a slight problem with his hips. It turned out to be bone cancer. Myself and my father had to make the difficult decision of either surgery, which was not a good option because of his age and, therapy or to let him go. The vet told us he was in a lot of pain and suffering, so among many tears we decided to say good bye.

It was the hardest thing I have ever done. At least I know he is running free of pain and longing to meet again. My other dog, Max had been searching the house for him. I feel so bad..

I’ll never forget each evening, Id say, Major, dad’s home! He’d run so fast to the door, wag his tail like crazy and the bark and cry at the door, like he was telling you off for leaving him.

I’ll never forget him lying down to go to sleep at night and the many nights he woke my mom up to go to the bathroom at 4 am! Once asleep, boy did he snore!

If someone called, you would hold the phone out and say,
Major say Hi, and he would.

I love my boy so much.
The pain is so great it hurts so much..


Till we meet again….


Randy, Mary and Mike