Makaya Von Zoe Haynes by Chris & Dorretta

March 22,2002
Duchess Makaya Von Zoe Haynes

Kaya I just wanted you to know
we will never forget you.
Mommy Daddy G-Ma-Ma Richard
Tracy all the girls
and all who loved you.
There was nothing we could do.

You were always smart
and an excellent girl
with four and a half
wonderful years.
Then the vet said
terrible words-cancer had gotten
your leg and we cried
so many tears.
All we could do was love you
feed you good and
pet your “daddy’s” ears.

We won’t forget
the trips to Patti’s
Jen’s and all the hotels.
We won’t forget
your beautiful hair
wonderful personality and
stub of a tail.

We were devastated and
sorry we had to talk you and
put you to rest.
But Kaya it was
for the best.

The cancer in your bone
was getting worse everyday.
I saw it in your eyes…
the pain with words
you couldn’t say.

But I know you well and
heard you clearly.
(we had a way of communicating)
You needed your dignity.

We didn’t want to face
what we had to see.
Your time with us was limited
not much time left here to be.

We all felt so bad
taking you there
your last ride and
I couldn’t even explain.
I wanted to tell you that
you would have
no more eye problems
no hip dysplasia and
no more pain.

But then I would have
to have told you that
we couldn’t go with you
and I knew that was
something you would fight
not to do.

So Mommy Daddy
G-Ma-Ma and Richard took
you for the longest ride ever.
A ride that will
never be forgotten
by any of us never.

We knew even though
you didn’t this was
your last ride.
Makaya you lived
loved and died
with dignity and pride.

Then when you were going and
put your head down on me
I could barely stay sane.
Laying there on me
your head in my lap and
taking your last breath….
A part of all
of us also left.

July 3 1997- March 15 2002

Chris & Dorretta


Makaya Von Zoe Haynes
15, March 2002
Chris & Dorretta