Mattie May by Lori and Don VanNess / Mommy and Daddy

She was a beautiful black lab. When she was about a year old my friend could no longer care for her. So I took her home and since then she was our mattie girl, always by my side. We gave her alot of LOVE; she was spoiled. Then about 3 months ago you could see she was starting to fail; Next thing I know she can’t breath right, so I bring her to the vets and they think it was a bladder infection. They put her on meds. 2 days after being put on meds, I had to put her to sleep. I’m getting her cremated so I can take her home. It’s been two days since my baby went to heaven. I feel guilty for doing that, but I couldn’t watch her suffer anymore. We cry everyday because we miss you so much.
Mattie, it’s lonly here without you. We love you and miss you very much. Soon you will be back home with us..


Love you forever,
Mattie May
Lori and Don VanNess