Max by Kellie / Kellie

The Troubled Tear

This tear is for all my troubles
The kind that you can’t forget.
Having this pain inside of me
Is making my life so hard.
You can’t stop it from hitting you.
Sometimes you feel like you are a puzzle,
A puzzle without a piece.
You came into my life without any worries.
I didn’t pay much attetion to you,
But now you are gone,
And I know now that I should have,
But the time is lost.
Now it is too late
And I can’t say I’m sorry
With all my heart Max
I wish I could have given you
That one last kiss.
A kiss that would never be broken
And when the time comes
I will see you in heaven
And my tear will go away.

I love you Max!


With all my love,
21, Oct 2002