Max by The Bell Family / The Bell Family

I will not be able to sum up Max’s life in the amount of space, but what I can tell you is that there will never be another dog as great as he was. Max was not just a dog, but a family member. In his 13 almost 14 years he made so many memories. My husband surprised me with him right before we got married, he was a tiny little thing, he fit in my one hand, then he grew and grew, to be over 100 pounds.

A lovable mutt of Airedale and Irish Wolfhound or something. Mostly Airedale. During my first birth of my child, Max was my vision, I pictured him in the delivery room, he helped my son with colic by offering him his rawhide when he was crying. He helped Sam stand up by not complaining when he grabbed his private part.

He would try ot bury dog bones in the river, that silly boy! He was a great protector and friend. It has been almost a year, and we all (the three boys, my husband and I, and our other dog, his best friend Thor) miss him a great deal still, and think of him everyday.

We still can’t say his name around Thor too much because you see him getting deeper into a depression. I had Max before my three sons, and Max will always be my first boy! I wish you could have met him, he would have liked you, he was a friendly giant!

I miss you Max, I know Max visits us, we think we will hear him, or Thor will act like him, or we see him in our dreams. God Bless you Max and I am glad you are no longer in pain. We love and miss you boy!


With love and special memories,
The Bell Family