Maxwell Rocky Boone by Bryan & Kimberly Boone / Mom, Dad, Nikki, Maggie, Buddy & Destiny

Rocky was the apple of my eye. He was my little boy. He was always full of energy and he was always amazing us with something new he learned. Even though he was 6 years old, he played like he was still a puppy. He loved to be loved, and he loved to play with his sisters. He was and always will be our little man. There’s not a day that goes by that we don’t miss him. Rocky died due to kidney failure because of the tainted dog food that was on recall. But even though he was sick, he was always glad to see you. He filled everyone’s heart with so much love & joy. If you were having a bad day, he would put a smile on your face. He was always a happy little boy.

He filled me with so much love. He always made me happy. He loved to chase lights on the floor made by flashlights. He was such a good dog. My heart hurts everyday for him. There is an empty feeling left because I lost my little angel. But now I know that he isn’t sick anymore and he is running as free as the wind.We still miss him and love him very much. And even though he is gone, he will never be forgotten.
Run Like The Wind, Rocky! We Love You & Miss You!!!


We love you always,
Maxwell Rocky Boone
Bryan & Kimberly Boone