Mia by Eva & John

A Little Furry Paw

We held you in our arms today
And watched you close your eyes.
We knew you’d soon be sleeping.
We choked out our good-byes.

We love you oh so deeply
Our loyal furry friend.
We will miss your friendship.
We don’t want it to end.

And as we gazed up sadly
Thru tear stained eyes we saw
Something waving profusely
A little furry paw.

We knew that you were leaving.
We knew that we must part
But we knew you’d live forever
Deep within our hearts.

Author: Eva Leclerc

Forever Beside Me

I fell in love on a
warm spring day
With your big brown eyes and
round black face.
I knew right then and there
that I wanted you
forever beside me.

I brought you home and
laughed with delight
When I tripped and fell
Because when I looked down
there you were
forever beside me.

Wherever we moved wherever we lived
I was never alone and always at home
Because I would look down and
there you were
forever beside me.

When I am scared of the dark
The wind cold and rain
I feel safe when I look down and
there you are
forever beside me

Through the season of time
The sorrow the joy and the pain
I look down and there you are
forever beside me.

Like a shadow you follow
Always there but never in the way.
It comforts me to look down and
see you forever beside me

Your overwhelming love
is absolute and pure.
My heart sings with joy as
I look down to see you
forever beside me

And now my dear friend
Even though you are tired and ill.
I look down and there you are
still beside me.

I know soon you’ll close your eyes
And take your last breath
And when I look down
you won’t be beside me.

So I’ll wait for the day
when my time is done
And I’ll close my eyes and
take my last breath
Then we’ll meet at the Rainbow Bridge
And when I walk across
I’ll look down and there you’ll be
forever beside me.

Author: Eva Leclerc

Eva and John


17, Dec 1997
Eva & John