Mica by Stu & Barbara Iselin / Stu & Barbara…your two-legged parents


I’ve arrived at the point in my life where a great truth has made itself known to me. That truth is that there are only two kinds of people. It’s not a matter of race, religion, social standing, education, employment, portfolio, sexual preference, politics or appearance. It’s simply this. You’re either a “dog person” or you’re not.

Last week, or more precisely, 12 days and 3 hours ago, our Mica was put to sleep. We had “rescued” him 12 years ago after, in just one year, he had lived (if you could call it that) in three different households…having been physically abused in one of them. For twelve years, we were blessed to have this angel of a pet. He loved everyone and just about everyone loved him. His breed, size and color aren’t important to this writing. What’s important is that he brought so much joy to our family and, I’d like to think, we brought joy to his life.

About the beginning of April, he started getting sick. After countless visits to the vet, the final one included two shots. The first was a tranquilizer to calm him. It worked. He started getting very sleepy, let out a big yawn, licked me and stumbled. I picked him up and put him on the table where the vet gave him the second shot. It worked. In less than 30 seconds. Twelve years of joy and the damn shot worked in less than 30 seconds.

I picked him up again, brought him home and buried him in the grave I had prepared the night before. I’ve visited him everyday since but today he had two visitors…myself and the puppy of his breed that we brought home today.

When Mica died, I thought I’d never get another dog. After all, how could any dog ever compare. A neighbor of mine left a card in my mailbox and included in it was “The Last Will & Testament of an Extremely Loved Dog” written by Eugene O’Neill in 1940. Here is part of what the dog had to say: “One last request, I earnestly make. I have heard my Mistress say, ‘When Blemie dies we must never have another dog. I love him so much I could never love another one.’ Now I would ask her, for love of me, to have another. It would be a poor tribute to my memory never to have a dog again. What I would like to feel is that, having once had me in the family, she cannot live without a dog!”

Well, the dog was right. I cannot live without a dog. So today, that tribute to Mica came home with us and his name is Archie. And he’s beautiful.

So, this is my tribute to Mica. If you’re a “dog person,” you will understand. If you’re not, you won’t.

Stuart Iselin
June 26, 2005
UPDATING ON OCTOBER 5, 2019: And the immutable cycle continues… We had to say goodbye to our beloved Archie on January 15, 2019. So the “tribute” to Mica and Archie came home with us on March 24, 2019 and his name is Jake and he, too, is beautiful.


In our hearts and memories forever.
14, June 2005
Stu & Barbara Iselin