Midnight by Hazel Teague / Mom

Just wanted to tell you about my baby Midnight. She crossed over on Friday, January 21, 2005, after 20 wonderful, precious years together. She is the sweetest cat I have just about ever been around. Her coat was solid black, yellow gold eyes, and fur as smooth as silk. Midnight got sick a few weeks before she passed and was found to be in renal failure. Towards the end, she quit eating hardly anything and would look up at you with those gorgeous eyes for reassurance and comfort. Finally, we took her back to the vet and allowed the angels to gently take her to the other side. The following Sunday, I awoke early in the morning, I got up and listened to a favorite CD of mine. I felt like I was not asleep, but not awake either–rather the in-between stage of resting. All of the sudden I felt Midnight jump up into my arms.

She was strong, healthy and purring very loudly as she rubbed me under my chin. I caught myself calling out twice for my husband. I wanted him to come and see her. Then, I realized my hubby was at work. I was starting to awaken, and Midnight was leaving but her amazing visit is something I will always cherish and I do believe that
she is around me often.

About a week and a half later, another kitty, BK, whom I had taken in as a stray a few months earlier, started not eating and vomiting. We took him to the vet and found out that he was very sick and would need to be put down also. Our hearts were very heavy, but we did not wish for him to suffer, so later that day we brought home this baby and
buried him besides my Midnight.

I believe that when an animal leaves your life, it can make room for another special one to enter if you so choose and so let me
tell you about Jasmine.

About five years ago, my hubby and I saw a kitten at a cat show who we liked. Now cat-less, we looked on the internet to see if anyone close by raised the particular breed and found someone a couple about two hours away from us.

On February 9th of this year, we took off to see the Tonkinese kittens. The lady knew I was looking for a female so, when we walked into her home, she handed me a little female kitty and handed my husband one too. The little gal in my arms walked right up to my nose and kissed me. I laughed but did not say anything. After a few minutes, I told my hubby we needed to swap. That little kitty walked right up my husband’s chest and kissed him on the nose. He looked over at me and said, “well, I do believe this is the one.”

We spent more time looking at the younger kitties and talking with the owners but we knew in our hearts which kitty was suppose to come home with us.

As we were leaving, I looked down at her papers and saw that her mother’s name is Lena. Jack and I both started laughing because my husband’s mother’s name is Lena. Later that night at home, I looked at Jasmine’s papers again and was truly amazed. Jasmines’s birthday is October 28, 2004.

October 28th is a very special date for me. My dear sweet nephew, Michael, died/transitioned to another realm, on October 29, 2001. The last time I got to talk to him was on the 28th. Since then, this precious soul has sent me signs and messages, and when I became aware of them in the beginning was on the 28th of the month.

We have been truly blessed by each of you in our lives and may we all meet again one day at the rainbow bridge.


Much love dear ones,
Hazel Teague