Midnight by Taylor / ‘Tay Tay’

My cat Midnight was great really great and he loved every one except my brother. Matthew kicked him which is mean and it is very sad, too. Then he was sick and peed on the kichen. Then he was meowing and we brought him to the vet. Then they had to put him down. We cried alot and alot and alot and alot then I skipped school for it. Then we asked the vet if we could get his ashes because he meant so much to us so they gave us the ashes. Now Midnight sits on top of our living room table and we prayed and prayed for him to come back to live but he didn’t and it was very sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad. Sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad. Sad sad sad sad sad sad. Sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad so I hope you loved my story. Have a nice day.


'With Love'