Mindy by Rhonda / Mommy & Smokey

“In Loving Memory”

I worked in a Pet Shop when Mindy came into my life. It was love at first site when I saw that adorable little puppy. Then I found out she had a problem swallowing and her food would have to be pureed and that she would probably not live more than a couple of years. So she was gonna have to be put down if she could not find a home. Well I brought her home with me and that day she became my sweet baby girl.

One day she ate some food that had fallen on the floor and I followed her around to see if she was going to get sick. Because that is what she always did when she ate something not pureed. But she did not get sick it stayed down. I called the vet and ask him if she could be getting better he said that sometimes the throat would get big enough she could eat regular food. So little by little we tried her on dry food and she would keep it down till one day she did not need the pureed food anymore. That was a very happy day for us.

Life was good till 8 years later when our house caught on fire. We were not home at the time we had gone to a party when we got the call. When we got home I found out that all my pets had perished except for Mindy, and she was in an animal hospital and was in very bad shape. It took me several hours to find out where she had been taken and if she was still alive. When I went to see her she did not know me and that broke my heart and the vet said take her home he could do nothing more for her. My family said I should put her down but I had to give her a chance to get over this.

But several weeks later when I was about to give up she looked at me and waged her tail and came over to me and started licking my hand and I knew she was back. I cried and her hugged her so tight. But the fire had cost her the better part of her eye sight. She could see a little bit but she had cataracts that would take away the rest
of her eye sight a few years later.

She lived a good life for the next six years. But then that last week she got sick and I tried every thing the vet said but nothing was working. Then the vet did some blood test and said she had kidney failure. She was a tough little girl and her birthday was just six days away and she was trying so hard to hang on for me, but she was in so much pain. And I could not let her suffer she had already been through so much in her life. I had to let her go. She went peacefully in my arms.

Smokey was her companion and he cried with me the day she left us. Smokey and I will celebrate her birthday beside her and let her know that she will never be forgotten and that she will forever be in our hearts. And she will always be my sweet baby girl.


Missing You So Much , Loving You Forever