MISS MISTY by Mike Parker / DAD

Born June 23 1993, you came to me six weeks later, life with you began. A small 3 lb pup who did not like the open wind in her face. Later she grew up into one hyper pup full of vigor and love. At the first vet appointment she rant and raved about the whole thing; then came to love to go to the vet. She loved her toys and the belly rubs.

Misty was loved by the whole family. Dad would dance with her. Mom stayed mad at her for digging up her flowers, and I would fix the damage.

There was the time in the truck at a seatbelt check where the trooper looked in and said can’t write a ticket here. She lived a good life until Nikki came along and then those two went together everywhere
then Hank joined in.

Then everything started to go south. First, Nikki was hit and killed by cotton truck, then about three weeks later Misty was hit and killed. The eight and half years that Misty was here were the best years of my life.

God bless your soul.


Rest in peace pumpkin,
Mike Parker