Miss Wiggles Wolf Necklace by Ben Wolf Necklace / DAD

I miss you Wiggs…with all my heart. My life is not the same without you. You were my most special baby in the whole world…..I always told you there would never be another baby like you. The most special angel. You were my angel. You changed my whole life, my little babygirl. I loved watching you run and run…you were the sweetest pup I ever knew. I have all the memories of you and will always be thinking of you. you will always be my pup and I thought I had more time with you. your in a good place now. I hated seeing you get old and sickly. I would give all the money in the world to help you stay healthy. You have been gone almost 4 months now and I am missing you like no other….I have never known this kind of lonely. I will see you again. See ya later babygirl. Your dad!!


My babygirl
Miss Wiggles Wolf Necklace
Ben Wolf Necklace