Missy by Susan Otts / Mommy and Daddy

We got Missy when she was only 1 1/2 years old, I had always wanted a Yorkie and God brought her into our home and into our hearts.
She was truly a God send. She would make us laugh and when we were hurting it was like she knew and she would stay right by us.
She never complained and she loved to go in the car with us! It did not matter where we were heading she wanted to be there with us! Missy and I would take naps on the weekends!! I think that she looked forward to it as much as I did!

I will miss our little angel and I know that God is glad that she is with him. She had a way of brightening anyones outlook when she was with them.. Thank you God for the time that we had with that special little girl….She will be forever in my heart…


With Love,
Susan Otts