Missy Pepper by Ron, Laura, Joshua, Jacob / Daddy, Mommy, Josh, Jacob & Vanessa

You had only been with us a few days when you slipped through a fence and was hit by a car. Blood was coming out of your little mouth as you laid limp in in the arms of my Aunt. By all rights you shouldn’t have lived. Your boy Josh would not give you up so easily. Running over to a bench he knelt down and prayed to God, “Please don’t let my dog die.” The Vet said he gave you little chance of surviving through the night since, your skull had multiple fractures. God had other plans for you our little Missy. When I picked you up from the Vet the next day they had given you the name Missy the Wonder Dog.

You gave us love for 15 years. No matter how much we loved you we could never seem to love you as much as you loved us. Rest in Peace. Now you are in God’s care. You and Meah have a lot of fun in heaven.


Love you Forever,
Missy Pepper
Ron, Laura, Joshua, Jacob