Molly by Brett

Today it was my birthday and
I was very very sad.
For today I lost the best friend
I ever ever had.

My best friend’s name was Mollie
And she always made me glad
and now I’ve Lost you Mollie
I always will be sad.

Mollie was there to hear
my every care
In her I would confide and
all my secrets share.
She never told my secrets
nor did she ever moan
Mollie was the best person
who ever lived at home.

Mollie loved us all
she never let us down
She protected us and guarded us
and never ever roamed.

She loved to walk with Glyn
and was always on the mark
To go with him and
run with him and romp down
in the park.

Mollie was always there
with a laugh upon her face
It didn’t bother her
if things weren’t in their place.

She didn’t mind the mess
or our old grumpy moods.
And never turned her nose up
when given her plate of food.

Now Mollie’s gone to heaven
no more suffering or pain.
Our hearts are still aching
it will never be the same.

We miss our faithful watchdog
her memories we hold dear
Mollie our sweet Mollie
we wish you still were here.



1, April 2001