Molly by Pam / Mommy

My little fuzzy “P”,

You brought me more love and joy then you will ever know. I miss you more with each passing day. I had you for 12 years. It seems now like just a day. I once read that cats are the souls of a house. You were the heart, soul and love of mine.

You were with me through very rough times and I could always count on you to be there with a purr and flick of your tail. You were my companion and I ache for those times again. Your soft and silent steps still echo on my heart and will forever.

Rest well and easy, my dearest friend. I know you are in a better place where the grass is sweet and green and the sun shines on your soft coat. Someday we will be together again fuzzy cat….
Keep a place for me, Molly.


I bless the day I met you,
and I thank God that He let you
stay beside me for a moment that