Molly by Trish Stephens / Mom

I was lucky to have Molly in my life for 14 years and I knew it everyday. She was a plucky dog that managed to prevail over quite a few challenges in her life. Everyone who met her always had the same adjective for her – “sweet”. Molly was such a life force that everyone noticed her and wanted to be her friend. She had so many remarkable traits that comfort me now that I no longer have her at my side. No matter how bad a day was it was a better one after a welcome home greeting from Molly. She had a large collection of stuffed toys friends that were her constant companions. I remember how shocked my neighbors were to see her squatting in the yard with purple Barney in her mouth! I miss her everyday and will always be thankful she was mine.
I am a better person for her lessons.


I love you, baby girl,
Trish Stephens