Montana by Melissa / A very special mommy

Well, I had wanted a German shepherd for the longest time and at 11 I got one. We took a drive to this house. The puppies were cute! They were all red except for one. So I walked into the pen were the puppies were and most of them ran up to me. I picked up a red one that seemed to love me the most and went to my parents. But then I had second thoughts. I wanted a tan one ands this was red. There was a tan one hiding in the dog house not wanting to leave. My parents pointed out this and so I decided to put her back. I went to the tan and black one that was hiding in the dog house and I felt something special about this one than the other. So this was the one I picked.

We drove home with her and we were glad to be home. Since we were renting our house big dogs weren’t allowed in so I fixed up a comfortable bed for my puppy that I decided to name Montana. I laid down with her for a long time and when I went into her bed with her she would give a tiny cry and then get as close to me as she possibly could. From that day on we were close.

It was just after Christmas and Montana was getting to know our family dog named Cuddles. Cuddles was a sih-a-poo. Montana would chase cuddles and cuddles would do fast circles around her confusing her.

One winters day me my sister and my mom were burning garbage outside. A garbage bag caught on fire and Montana warned us by barking. She was my little angel. She wasn’t little for long though. Whenever Cuddles would come up to me Montana would get jealous and shove Cuddles away. One day i was looking for Montana and couldn’t find her. I started to panic. Me and my mom were driving everywhere looking for her. I started to cry but when we got home we found her sitting in a pile on blankets in the garage. I held her for an hour thanking god she was okay.

Many special memories happen with her. We took a walk in the forest one day and she ate a dead mouse and I thought she could have got rabies and so I begged my mom to take her to the vet and we did. She was so big now that we had to put her in the back of the van.

She was only 3 or for months now and so the vet said she was fine but we had to give her, her needles anyway. We would sleep together on sunny afternoons in the grass. She made me feel special. I was more attached to her then the other pets we had. She was my best friend. I always wanted to sleep with Montana and swim with her in the Welland canal in Ontario. Since I moved to Calgary before I bought her I couldn’t. We took her to this little river where I almost lost my shoe and she tried to grab it for me but couldn’t I loved her for trying. I would brag about my dog in school and talk about her all the time and
my friends wanted to meet her.

At my birthday I wanted pictures of her and me printed out on t-shirts and I got them. I was happy. Montana and me would wrestle in the grass play ball and I would spend as much time with her that I could. We had to go back to Ontario to visit but my dad stayed back to watch the animals. I was sad to leave Montana and I didn’t want to.

We arrived at Ontario and all I could think of was Montana. A few days later my dad called and said Montana was missing. I was scared but didn’t worry too much because she was usually at the neighbours. My dad was looking for her and I began to feel scared and had trouble sleeping that night. I wanted to go home and look for her but I was too far away to go home yet.

The next day was July 3rd and we got a phone call from my dad and my mom was talking to him. I heard that he had found Montana but on the look of my mom’s face I could tell it wasn’t good. She had gotten hit by a car on the highway near our house on July 2nd. Once I heard the news I was screaming and crying and wanted to go home but we couldn’t. I had butterflies in my stomach and I felt all the love drain right out of me. But the next day when I was crying for her I felt something. Me and my mom felt her licking our facing and I just bursted out of tears and into laughs.

All my dreams I had wanted to do with her I now can’t. Now mostly every night I sleep with the shirts of her an me on it. What really confuses me is why she went to the highway. She was always kind of scared of cars. My dad didn’t put her on the leash and so she wandered to the highway, but that wasn’t like her. We left her off the leash so many times and she never left the property. It wasn’t like her to do that.

I have never felt this kind of pain from losing an animal I have before but not this painful. I would do anything to have her back and I will never forget the way she made me happy when I was sad. My little girl was only 7 months old and those months were the best of my life. I love you Montana! Rest in peace.

One special day I will see you at the Rainbow Bridge and hold you again in my arms and maybe you’ll lick my face like you use to.


I will never forget the things you showed me
how you wanted to protect me and all the love you l