Mr. Kitty by Jim Capillo / Daddy (& Mama)

Even though I had my Mr. Kitty for 21 years, it feels like it was not enough. It seems like just yesterday that I saw his little face in the cage at the Animal Rescue League in Rhode Island and even though he was in there with several other kittens, as soon as he looked up at me and let out a little kitty “mew”, I knew he was the one.

Taken from me by the ravages of jaw cancer, this little, sweet guy was always ready to nestle in on my lap or snuggle up in bed. Even in his later years when he was deaf and a tiny bit blind, he always greeted me with a hearty “meow” and a gentle rub against the leg.

He went peacefully, with the vets assistance, on my lap. In his last two days, he could no longer eat, and although he remained perky, I knew I could not put him through any more pain.

Some might say, “he was just a cat” – but those that do do not understand. My Mr. Kitty will be missed terribly. I have a heavy heart writing this one day after the fact….. but I take solace in the knowledge that his discomfort is over, and he is romping free with my dog Rex at the Rainbow Bridge, both awaiting my return.


Sleep well, my little man
Mr. Kitty
Jim Capillo