Mr.PO by Janet Martin / mommy

I can’t get over how smart you were, like you actually understood what I said. I miss you so much; I wish I had gotten up a few minutes earlier this way I could of spent the last minutes with you. I remeber the night you and your brother were born under the dresser. I wish I could say it’s time for bed and you would follow me. If I was arguing you would meow like you were saying please stop. I wish I would of payed more attention to you; you deserved better. I hope you found Ralphie at the rainbow bridge; tell him mommy says hello and I love him. I miss you so much. Hope you’re not mad at me for giving you medicine. I was only trying to help you. I know you hated the taste.

Boy did we go through alot together. BTW Little Girl misses you too and loves you. If at any time you suffered I can’t say I’m sorry enough that was never my intention. Wish you’re last days could of been better; hope you didn’t just give up. I’ll see you guys again some day. LOVE YOU VERY MUCH BABY PO. YOU’RE SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE POKIN, IT’S NOT PUMPKN IT’S POKIN. On Halloween I’m getting a pokin for you. xoxoxooxoxooxoxooxoxoxoxoxo much


Love you very much,
Janet Martin