Muffy by Eileen

To My Little Angel….Muffy’

It dosen’t seem possible…
that you’re no longer here…
you filled my life with laughter…
where now there waits a tear….
I look for you each morning….
where is your tiny bed?…
I use to reach down…
so gently to pet your furry head
It’s not that I don’t realize
that things can`t be the same..
but I find myself so often….
just crying out your name….
I expect to see you ..
come running
with happy bouncing feet….
just like a millon yesterdays….
OH GOD! you were so sweet!…
I miss your big brown eyes ….
that searched my heart and soul….
I think that I`ll go crazy …
Oh! just for you to hold!…
You truly were MY ANGEL…
I pray to God above
That somehow even doggies…
In heaven….
Feel our love…the acking truth
comes swiftly as morning
light peeps thro ….
I know I face ..another day
another week….a lifetime
of missing you …
someday perhaps I`ll be able to smile…
instead of crying all the while….
and I`ll not expect to..
to see you there ….
curled up sleeping in the chair…
I won’t be fooled by saying ” HARK”…
and when at night I pass
my room glancing closer
through the gloom….
I won’t expect to see your face……
scearching groping at empty space!…
Someday they say ..
I’ll be smiling soon …
that I won’t be imagining you in
every room…..
but,they don`t feel the loss I do….
hurting so and missing you…..
17 years were a blink of an eye…..
Why Oh why do our furry friends
have to die?????….I’m not sure
but I’m praying each night …
that you’re in heaven and …
being held tight…
that you’re healthly and happy …
and you get cookies by the score…
and you never have to beg …
for anything anymore…..
your eyes once going blind …
are clear as can be …
your hearings returned and
you run fancy free..
there’s birdies and squirrels and
bunnies there too..
and soft green grass for you
to romp through…
you’ll never be …hurting …
precious doggie of mine …
your life will be….happy…
’till the end of time …
but someday …for certain
through the mist I will come ….
to hold you and love you ..
when my life is done.

I will always LOVE you MUFFY PUFFY….



31, Dec 2001