Murphy by Mona


She walked into our hearts
just a tiny ball of fur
Never a pain to us
never no sir
So small and innocent
and ready for fun
Not till heaven called her
did she run.

The cutest dog you ever did see.
Here’s the truth
you’ll always get from me.
She never did wrong or hurt anyone
But god wanted her for
this only begotten son.

She’s in heaven where
she plays and plays.
Where there is
no pain or sorrow
to fill her days.
To a new life where
is no longer shaved
Because of the beloved pet
she’d become to be now saved.

Though she’s forever loved
and missed to the end
of our lives
Because the wonder
of her even today she strives.
Her pain and suffering
in the end made
her a hostage
But not deserving
to the baby girl called Sausage.

So now we pray
don’t be sad for her or for me
But remember us
our little Murphy.
Just be the dog angel
we know that you are
When at night we’ll know
you by your star.

The cabin in the Sun is
where you now reside.
There with other
little family members so
do not hide.
They look down upon
your monuments so new
and so sad
To the opening of gates
to the dog we once had.

Seizures will not rip
your frail body-coughing
will not still your breath
Only your little sacrifices
hurts these human hearts so
And because of all of that
we now let you go.


Written by:
Norrie Kay Santos Ahlf

Murphy: You brought a lot of joy to our family and I thank god that we had the opportunity to be your family. I’m glad that we have lots and lots of pictures of you and videos. You gave us 12 good years. We know your health went down hill when BoShow passed away only 8 months and 10 days before you. You mourned her death worst then we thought you would. I’m going to miss walking with you talking to you having you hawk me while I eat 🙂 going to the cabin playing with you (play puppy) always having that tennis ball in your mouth.

Dad’s going to miss going byd-d-byne you waiting for him at the bathroom door; you following us all over the place because you never wanted to be left alone anywhere. Me saying “Daddy’s home Daddy’s home” and you totally going nuts with your special bark for him coming home being Paige’s best friend with bad breast 🙂
so much Murphens…
we love you and miss you.


Mom and Dad


July 2002