My Precious Six by Erika Ishida / Mommy

Always In My Heart

Precious Boo
It’s been thirteen years since you crossed over. You were the most handsome and coolest Corgi on the block. Things have changed a lot around here. There are more people and more cars. I have also changed. My hair has turned gray and I have become wiser. I have learned to accept life with all her ups and downs. Days come and go, with its joys and sorrows.

And the pain is still here as time glides on.

Pretty Moko
You were certainly the spirit of charm and beauty. It was in September of 1992 when you went away. The impatient Angels couldn’t wait for your return. Oh, how angry I was at life for taking you away so young. Since your death, many happy and sad days have come into my life.

And the pain is still here as time glides on.

Baby Poko
Mommy’s sugarplum.You brought endless joy and bliss into my life. Remember all those cookies you used to love.I always pray to God to give you as many cookies as you please. I still look for you and miss the twinkling smile in your eyes. Six years have passed and I hold you tight in my heart.

And the pain is still here as time glides on.

Mama Sue
After Poko died, life swept you away like a storm. I knew you would join the others. You always guided and watched over the crowd. I still remember the first day I brought you home. You were so frightened of PapaBoo. Remember when you blossomed and became a mother and how you loved and took good care of your pups? Thank you, Sue, for giving me such sweet memories. You have brought many happy days into my life.

And the pain is still here as time glides on.

It’s almost a year since you crossed over in October 2002. You were God’s blessing. You were the most gentle, caring and lovable Afghan hound. We were meant to be with each other; you needed a loving home and I needed your friendship. You opened the door in my heart and made room for the morning light. Oh, how I missed you when you left.

And the pain is here, lingering on

Tiny Sam
You also missed Nana, didn’t you? Are you with her now? I wish I could be with you, but life must go on. I love you. I love you Sam. I try not to think of you. I don’t want to think of you. It’s too painful so I close up my heart and walk amidst the rush and roar of life.

And the pain is here. It’s strong and abiding.

Sam,our dachshund,joined Nana and the Corgis on July 20, 2003.


Love Forever
My Precious Six
20, July 2003
Erika Ishida