Mykye “little talker”, the cat who had an opinion about everything. From the time we got you at the age of six weeks; you always had something to say. Over all the years we had you, we didn’t know what you were talking about most of the time; but you were happy and so were we.
You were our “forever kitten”; never getting very big but always a lover and a cuddler. You were such a good boy, always accepting all the additions to our household and suffering through all the losses. In your entire life you were never once sick or had any problems. Unfortunately you saved all that for the one and only time at the end.
On Christmas Eve Day you started vomiting and wouldn’t eat. Something told me that it was more than a little upset stomach. Being the holidays we decided to take you in to the vet immediately. Dr. Melissa knew too, it was something serious. She ran tests and did x-rays and spent her whole holiday in the hospital with you. All of Christmas Day she tried to get you to eat, but to no avail. The day after Christmas, we got the news–the tests were back and you had pancreatic cancer. It came so fast and was so aggressive. We had to let you go that day, there was nothing that could be done. In a matter of two days you went from a happy, talkative boy to being gone from our lives.
Christmastime will never be the same–our lives will never be the same without you. We miss you terribly and all the “conversations” we used to have. We know you are in a better place and with all your “brothers and sisters” that went before you. We’ll “talk” to you at the Bridge some day but until then you are forever in our hearts
sweet boy. Be at peace.
Forever Loving and Missing You,
Mykye |
26, Dec 2007 |
Helen Malinauskas & Joe Bielinski |