Natasha by Michael and Jeneal Andrews / Daddy, mommy, and family

Oh my dear Natasha,

I remember the day I brought you home. You ran into the backyard a little bundle of brown fur. I can still see you running after your big sisters and can still see how delighted they were to get a new puppy. You have been my faithful champion for sixteen years. I remember one time when I had a migraine and you laid on the bed by my head and the migraine was drawn out of me by you.

I’ll never forget you jumping on the bed and walking along my body and when you’d get to my back, you’d lie there with me. Remember a few years ago on your birthday daddy went to the hamburger joint and bought you your own hamburger and put a candle on it? You have put so much joy and happiness in our lives and the hurt is almost too much to bear. I want you to save a place for us in heaven so we can play forever together.

I know one day we will be together again. Until then watch over us and be our guardian angel.


With all our love,
11, May 2006
Michael and Jeneal Andrews