Ninja by Stacey and Gary Hamill / Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa, Marissa and Mona


For nearly 9 years you made each and every day special. After I got hurt you were there to help ease my pain. It’s not the same at home without you. I couldn’t see you hurting anymore. You’re in Heaven now with Princess. Be a good boy till Daddy and I get there to be with you again. My tears won’t stop till I can see you handsome face again.

I remember the day we brought you home, you were the fattest puppy in the litter, to me you were cute. You captured my heart the first time I seen you. I could never understand why you didn’t like any men except for Daddy and Grandpa. I guess you knew could sense something that we couldn’t. You were a great protector. You loved running in the yard or following Daddy and I around it.

It hurts that your gone but I know you are no longer hurting or suffering. Marissa couldn’t say your name when she was younger so she always called you ‘buddy”. I know she will miss you, too. You two used to roll around the floor together when you were both little. You loved being outside during the Summer, but hated the cold like Mommy does. I miss you hogging the bed or trying to push Daddy out of it. You were a part of this family and our heart are broken with out you here. You may be gone but will never be forgotten.


We love you so much,
Stacey and Gary Hamill