Oscar & Felix by Lisa

In loving memory of my babies!!!
Brothers Oscar and Felix…


It hurts
the thought of you gone.
I tried to help
but I didn’t know how.

You were suffering
and I tried to keep you
with me
forever and ever.

With you out of my life
I have nothing to live for.
You made me cry
and hurt inside.

I know that
the place your in now
is a better place
than here in my arms.

They took one half of my heart
then took the other
I don’t know why
maybe they don’t like me.

But they knew how to attack
how to hurt me the most.
I wish you peace and happiness
until I am with you again.

I love you Oscar and Felix. I wish you peace and happiness until I am with you again. I hope you are both playing together waiting for me. I love and will love you forever! R.I.P

* The fact still remains I know that it’s true. Life will go on but how without you? *



Oscar & Felix
22, May 2000 & Feb. 23 2001