P.J. PuppyJo by Cathy & Cork Bateman / Love, Mom

In 1992, my sister gave me P.J. for my Christmas present. I didn’t have children of my own. She knew I always wanted a dog but just never took the steps to get one.

My sister Holli had been diagnosed with terminal breast cancer the day before her 42nd b’day June 4,91. We didn’t know how long she had left…so every xmas she would get everyone great gifts thus I got P.J. xmas of 92. I cried when they surprised me with him he was the perfect dog for me.

We couldn’t decide what to name him he was just a bundle of fur and had a funny little personality. My sister came up with P.J. PuppyJo, named after me CathyJo. He would be perfectly still then suddenly out of nowhere he would get a burst of energy and run and dart everywhere.

Once I got him home we played chase in my small house. He felt trapped one time and darted into the bathroom and jumped into the tub. I died laughing he sure gave me many times of great joy. Even when I came home from work one night and he ripped the wallpaper off the wall I guess I kept him in the bathroom too long. Poor baby was bored. I laughed and paid $500 to redo my bathroom.

My sister did pass away July 3, 94. P.J. helped me to heal from that heartbreak.

P.J. first lost his hearing, then around St. Patricks Day of 2008 he lost his eye sight that was very sad. He couldn’t figure out what was going on….soooo sooo sad. Eventually, he was limping with arthritis it got so bad he could barely stand up anymore. The final straw was when he couldn’t get himself up and he would whimper for help…gut wrenching!

I have to stop now as it is tearing me up thinking about my little pumpkin. I will carry him in my heart for the rest of my life. I love you pooker….miss you terribly. My heart will never be the same.


Forever in My Heart & Soul
P.J. PuppyJo
Cathy & Cork Bateman