Paula “Bear”” Bryant” by Joe Burchfield / Your bud, Shawn

If your dog had a refrigerator

your picture would be on it.

If he had a wallet your photo would be in it.

He wakes you at sunrise every morning and

plays with you in the park every spring.

Whenever you want to talk, he listens,

and never judges you.

Whenever you want to play,

he’s there, ready and willing.

Whenever you feel sad or lonely,

he’s there to comfort you and brighten your day.

He could live anywhere or with anyone

he wanted, but he chose you.

Face it friend, he’s crazy about you.

We were never promised days without pain,

heartbreak or without sorrow or rain.

But with our doggy friend we are promised

happiness and comfort for the hardships in life.

With our doggy freinds…..

the world just seems a little better.


We'll miss you, Bear. You were a good dog.
Paula "Bear"" Bryant"
10, June 2008
Joe Burchfield