Jan. 16 2000 —– Feb. 17 2001
Mini Dachshund
What I am writing about is the bond between “Peanut”
and his mom Andrea (my daughter).
I have never seen a bond like they had before.
Andrea always has had her share of problems all her teenage years
and Peanut was the only bright spot in her life.
I could sit back and just be in total amazement of how they non verbally
communicated with each other. The love was over powering.
We both miss him so much the words just don’t describe it.
She lost her little baby.
I had Peanut last in my car he gave me a little kiss and got out to go into
the front yard to take care of his business. A few minutes later I heard a yelp
and a neighbor came over to inform me of the bad news.
I looked out and saw Peanut laying out on the road that
cannot get out of my mind it is stuck.
I fell to my knees.
I went and picked up Peanut the feeling I felt was he was gone,
I closed his eyes and kissed his cheek. The pain I had in my heart that day has
never gone away. My heart actually broke and broke again for my daughter Andrea.
Her pain when I told her cannot be matched and she is in tears everyday since.
She told me she cannot stop thinking about him even to this day.
My Poem of Andrea and Peanut
No eyes have ever stared into Andrea’s the way Peanuts did.
No meeting I can remember so cosmically connected two souls.
They understood each other perfectly although they never spoke each
others language.
When Andrea held him love returned so passionately.
Peanut laid next to her into the cold night as if taking the same form of her body,
with such penetrating warmth he invaded Andrea’s dreams with sighs of
sweet breath and a kiss on her head.
All this time there was never a pretense not on desire but to be hers;
to be there when she needed love;
for the pure want of giving all of himself to no one but Andrea…….
Peanut |