Pepae by Tonya

In Loving Memory of Pepae.
We Miss You!
Nov. 1 1998 to July 15 2002

Pepae was the best friend I ever had. We bought him when he was a few months old. He was in good health until a disk ruptured in his spine. The blood-flow was cut off all the way up his spine and was heading toward his brain. We were left with no option but to put him to sleep. We tried everything we knew to do but this just all happened so fast. We were nowhere near prepared. Pepae went on to Heaven last night in the Emergency Vet Center in Hickory. I wrote this poem today
IÆd like to share with you…

You went so quickly
I still canÆt understand why.
I canÆt go on like
everything is normal
all I do is cry.

Every little thing
reminds me of you.
I miss all the cute things
you used to do.

You had so much personality.
I wish everyone could understand
you are so much more
than a pet to me.

You are the best friend
IÆve ever had.
You always “gave me kisses”
when you knew I was sad.

I knew no matter
what happened to me
YouÆd be there loving me

It didnÆt matter how
I dressed or fixed my hair
YouÆd be happy just
knowing I was there.

You were never mean or
hurt my feelings.
You made me so happy and
gave my life more meaning.

I donÆt think I can
take this it hurts so bad.
I know youÆll always be with me
but IÆm still so sad.

I am so thankful for
the almost four years
we had together.
Your ok now in Heaven
GodÆs taking care of you now
and that makes me feel
a little better.

I love you so much and
will forever and ever
I will cherish each memory and
wonÆt forget you never.
I will look forward
to seeing you again someday
I love you and will miss
you my little Pepae.



15, July 2002