Piggy by Hudson


" Piggy "

May 20 1989 ----- Nov. 28 1997





While bathing you for your retirement show

I noticed the clouded eyes,

Where once there was sparkle and glow.



I sat back and watched

As you trotted around the yard

Slowly now though pacing yourself-

Not running or jumping too hard.



I realized your naps

Are longer and closer together.

Last year it seems you played nonstop-

Fetching and swimming forever.



You finished your show career

With narry a point to your name,

But all the time we spent together

Means it was never in vain.



You pranced out of the ring

Your head held high your spirits up-

I'm only glad you couldn't know

You didn't even make first cut.



I decided the dog show game

Isn't all it's cut out to be-

I got into it for fun but without a "name",

I'm simply a "nobody".



I look at you-

With tears welling up in my eyes-

Knowing you're in the twilight of life-

Knowing everything dies.



You'll sleep late again

Curled up on the couch

Oblivious to the outside world

Until I wake you with a gentle touch.


You never won a point

You never took Best of Breed

You simply put your life on the line

Whenever there was a need.

No second thoughts no backward glances-

You protected me and took all the chances

To show your devotion- tried and true-

You are my champion- only you.


In memory of Azarias Rose I Do Impressem CGC "Piggy"

May 20 1989- November 28 1997

I miss you Piggy.



