Pinkey by Renee


" Pinkey "

Aug. 1997 ----- June 2 1999

Domestic Rat

" Pinkey " was part of our family.

We had her as a baby and sometimes I thought she knew

me better than I knew me.

She was a friendly girl when ever I walked by the cage

and blew kisses she came to the door.

"WeWillyWinkey" as she became known to me as

was my special friend always walking around with her

on my shoulders made me feel like I was special.

My kids loved her just as much they would spend hours

in bed with her and the kisses oh boy those kisses.

Pinkey had a long bout with illness lately as she was

2 years old she died in my hand and as she lay

there taking her last breaths I said to her

"go Pinkey go where there is no pain"

we love you Pinkey and you will

be missed.






